Why Does My Poop Smell Sweet?

Why does my poop smell sweet?: Human feces can differ greatly in terms of color, consistency, and odor depending on a number of factors, including lifestyle, food, and health. While having a distinct earthy scent is often typical, other smells may occasionally be a sign of underlying medical issues or dietary decisions. One interesting finding that people could come upon is the sporadic presence of sweet-smelling excrement. 

There are several reasons for this occurrence, from dietary issues to possible medical concerns. Investigating factors like sugar consumption, malabsorption difficulties, bacterial overgrowth, illnesses like diabetes or celiac disease, infections, drugs, and liver or pancreatic concerns are necessary to comprehend the causes of the sweet smell in feces. 

This intricate interaction of variables emphasizes how crucial it is to monitor changes in stool odor and, when necessary, seek the advice of medical specialists for a thorough examination. The reasons why someone could feel sweet-smelling feces and the possible health effects will be examined in this investigation.

Why Does My Poop Smell Sweet?

Bacterial Proliferation:

Although there is a bacterial illness called Clostridium difficile that may cause an identifiable, sickeningly sweet poo, “sweet smelling” is not a term commonly used to describe human stool.

Bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine (SIBO): This condition can lead to the fermentation of undigested food, which can produce strange odors in the feces.

Antibiotic medication can occasionally upset the balance of the natural gut environment. Additionally, bacterial infections and long-term gut inflammatory disorders may result from these modifications.

One such bacterial infection may be caused by the toxin-producing anaerobic bacterium Clostridioides (previously Clostridium) difficile, often known as C. difficile, which causes antibiotic-associated colitis. Typical C. diff infections (CDIs) include:

  • Diarrhea vomiting
  • Cramps
  • leukocytosis (WBCs are higher than usual)
  • Fever

A pleasant feces smell that is frequently compared to horse dung is another clinical characteristic that can coexist with CDI.

While every antibiotic has the potential to cause CDI susceptibility, the following antibiotics are most commonly linked to CDI:

  • Cephalosporins
  • Penicillins
  • Fluoroquinolones with clindamycin

Dietary Elements:

  1. High sugar intake: Eating a lot of sugar, especially from artificial sweeteners, might occasionally result in stools that smell sweet.
  1. Fruits: Some fruits, such melons, mangoes, and pineapples, naturally contain sugars that can contribute to their pleasant smell.

Malabsorption of the body

Sugar malabsorption: The small intestine may occasionally have trouble correctly absorbing certain sugars. This may cause bacteria in the colon to ferment, resulting in the production of gasses and aromatic byproducts.

Health issues:

  1. Diabetes: Uncontrolled diabetes can produce ketones, which can give the breath and feces a pleasant, fruity fragrance.
  1. Celiac disease: This autoimmune condition can cause bowel habits to shift and malabsorption to occur.


Digestive tract infections: Some diseases, especially those that affect the intestines, can change the makeup of feces and result in strange smells.


Certain drugs: A sweet-smelling feces may be the consequence of certain medications or supplements that alter the makeup of your stool.

Pancreatic or liver problems:

Pancreatitis or liver disease: Issues with the liver or pancreas can affect nutritional absorption and digestion, which may result in alterations in the smell of the feces.

It is essential to speak with a healthcare provider if you encounter other symptoms or if you notice changes in the scent of your feces on a regular basis. They can assess your medical history, do a complete examination, and run any required tests to identify the underlying reason for the change in feces odor. Persistent symptoms should not be ignored or self-diagnosed since they may be a sign of a more serious health problem that needs to be addressed.


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