Bella Wilson

What Food Group Are Eggs In?

Are you an egg lover? But have you ever pondered on the question about “Which Food Group Are Eggs Placed in?” I...

Your Guide to The Healthiest Cinnamon

For centuries, people have turned to herbs, spices, and other ingredients found in nature for immune boosting and health benefits. Although...

How Much Does Food Lion Pay?

There are so many things that probably excite you for your career (long term) at Food Lion. But on the other hand, if you're...

What Is the Difference Between Food Chains and Food Webs?

There are many terminologies and fields related to food. And one such is food chains and the food web. However, people generally get confused...

How Long Can Goldfish Go without Food?

Do you need to go on a trip? But you are worried about your goldfish? If yes then you need not to be worried....

Which Fast Food Chain Introduced the Baconator in 2007?

Who doesn’t love to enjoy eating fast food? Everyone out there! Right? But are you the one who is crazy about eating fast food...

Why Should You Rotate Food when Thawing It?

Once you‘re done preparing food for the freezer, it is even crucial to ensure it’s properly thawed as well. Rotating food stock involves using...

Canadian Marcellus Edson Patented Which Food Item in 1884?

Marcellus Gilmore Edson was a Canadian chemist who was also given the first and foremost patent in the US which he named peanut candy...

How Long Can Fish Go without Food?

There are many people who love to have pets. Pets are a great companion to an individual. People keep different kinds of pets from...

About Me

Bella joined as Editor for the Foods Explorer, where she collaborates with a group of recipe developers and photographers to provide scrumptious, visually appealing recipes and cooking instructions. She also collaborates with the SEO team to provide trending food reports and to update our extensive collection of articles and recipes. She has the passion for cooking and it has helped her get to where she is now.
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