Foods Explorer was founded in 2013 on a basic principle: Better Health. One Bite at a Time.
The first step in tuning into your body and determining what works best for you is through food. It creates the ability for food to be more than just a source of physical nourishment, allowing us to experience the actual joy of eating.
Because your body changes every day and every moment, the choice of whether or not to consume a certain food varies from day to day. If you touch the food, you will instantly know if it should be consumed today or not.
We won’t need to advise individuals on what to eat if the appropriate awareness is spread. They should choose their food each time they eat. Many of our fondest memories—of families sitting around holiday meals or enjoying special occasions with friends—have special recipes at their core.
Sharing home-cooked meals prepared with love makes even neighborhood potlucks, spontaneous cookouts, and straightforward weeknight dinners better. Through our website, we have had the honour of inspiring millions of people to cook by sharing recipes.